Chemistry Matters' Blog

news and blog entries from the Chemistry Matters team

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Arson sample collection - Any old paint can will do? Part 2

The training seminar presentation on Forensics Laboratory Analysis and Process which was delivered at Life of a Fire Investigator seminar being hosted by the Fire Investigation Association of Alberta (FIAA) went very well. It was nice to meet those involved in FIAA and have the opportunity to talk with them. I thought...

Arson sample collection - Any old paint can will do? Part 1

As I was preparing my training seminar for a presentation on Forensics Laboratory Analysis and Process to be delivered at Life of a Fire Investigator seminar being hosted by the Fire Investigation Association of Alberta (FIAA), I came across some information on cans for sample collection. I thought it would be good to...

Legal sampling field notes - up for legal scrutiny?

I was testifying several weeks at a trial for a case I have been working on for three years. Most legal cases can drag on for very long periods of time.  All cases that I have been on have lasted a minimum of 2 years.

Dioxins and Furans 101

Introduction to ‘Dioxins’

Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) are considered some of the most toxic chemicals known to man. We can argue about the apparent toxicity some other time, but personally, I think it might be a little over exaggerated. Nowadays, it is very...

Sample Collection and Management for Environmental Forensic Investigations (Environmental Forensics for Persistent Organic Pollutants)

This chapter presents an overview of the protocols within which environmental forensics investigations must take place, the documentation required for a robust investigation and advances in the development of electronic data recording and management. Documentation of preparations, activities, and analysis is contained...

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